Amazon veranstaltet am 02. Mai eine kostenlose online Skill Entwickler Konferenz.
Online Alexa Skill Konferenz
Am 02. Mai wird Amazon eine Skill Entwickler Konferenz abhalten, auf der viele Themenbereiche abgehandelt und auch einige spannende Menschen Vorträge halten werden!
Dabei soll es um Themen wie Design, Tools, Monetarisierung und auch die Sprache an sich gehen.
Um an der Konferenz teilnehmen zu können, müsst ihr euch hier registrieren. Beachtet dabei, dass die Konferenz in Englischer Sprache abgehalten wird.
4 Tracks and 18 Sessions to Help You Build and Enrich Your Skills
Attendees will hear from the Alexa voice design education team, solution architects, and members of the developer community. The conference will dive deep into four tracks covering core skill-building areas, including:
- Design: Learn how to create focused, natural, and engaging Alexa skills. Sessions will cover building for voice vs. the screen, voice games, personalization, and writing engaging dialogs.
- Tools: Explore the best tools to help you build, deploy, edit, and test Alexa skills. Sessions will cover how to get the most out of the Alexa Developer Console, testing best practices, and more.
- Monetization: Discover how to make money with your Alexa skills and establish a voice business. Sessions will cover technical implementation for in-skill purchasing and offer code deep dives to walk you through how you monetize your skill.
- Multimodal: Learn how to design visually rich voice-first experiences for Alexa-enabled devices with screens. Sessions will show you how to use the Alexa Presentation Language and showcase real-world examples of engaging multimodal skills.
More than 20 speakers will deliver 18 unique sessions across these four tracks, providing technical depth, industry insights, and code deep dives. During the conference, you’ll get to chat with Alexa skill-building experts and get your business and technical questions answered. View the full agenda and register here.
–> Hier findet ihr übrigens alle Infos zu der Konferenz!
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